In response to the dedication of those who safe guard, teach, and empower us in Baton Rouge; the tastefully abstract 'barber near me' has chosen to reward them for what they have rightfully earned.
You've Earned It..We Will Reward You
There's a mere handfull of people who inspire, guide, and protect the entire population of our city. Those chosen few are the fertilizing element. Their heroic effort improves the quanity and quality of moral awareness within communities.
The champions sacrifice priceless time, money, and even energy..continuosly. Therefore, CatchYaCut has made a company standard to give them a gift well earned.
Doin' It In Style
All Military, Law Enforcement, Teachers, Firefighters, Medical, and Emergency Response enjoy $5 off their price of 20 bucks or more.
Simply come too our Barber&Beauty location with proof and then delight in your prize.
We Are Startin' Off Serving Hero's For FREE
CatchYaCut is putting the money where our mouth is, and serving those whom serve us..with FREE hair services. We are providing this gift within each category.
Stay tuned in too our social media channels to see and beleive it.